01 Mainstream English

English as a Second Language

Students in the primary school have two options to join our English classes:

Step 1 classes are designed for children in the first grade of Primary school. Preliminary English classes give children an introduction to the English Language through a range of exciting activities, aimed at building their confidence and enjoyment of learning at the Institute. Children will make a start at recognising instructions, building vocabulary and learning the alphabet. Well-trained and experienced teachers will make good use of technology, songs, games, clips and creative activities.

Step 2 classes are designed for children in the second grade of Primary school. Children are introduced to the English Language through a variety of motivating activities, aimed at building their confidence and encouraging the use of English. The main focus will be on the alphabet and phonics to enable children to sound out words. Children will continue to recognise instructions, while building vocabulary and phrases. Well-trained and experienced teachers will make good use of technology, songs, games, clips and creative activities.

The strong foundations laid at the elementary level will enable our pupils to take their first external Cambridge Young Learners Movers and Flyers examinations. Preparing for and taking these external examinations will not only be challenging and motivating but also good preparation for taking the Cambridge KET, PET, FCE and IGCSE later on (see table below).

With us your children will be taught to communicate effectively in English, and obtain valid qualifications that are recognised by British and European Universities. FCE and IGCSE are also recognised in Cyprus (Civil Service, Banks, etc.) for employment purposes.

Exam registrations – We are committed to making your child’s experience of taking a Cambridge English exam at the Institute, as simple as possible. It is therefore a prerequisite that we register our students at specific times, strictly following and meeting the deadlines as required by Cambridge, therefore we will be unable to accept registrations after the date and time specified. 

Level progress at the English Institute
Level progress at the English Institute
