
The English School Institute is pleased to
announce the following discounts:
(1) Two siblings enrolled in the
Institute, a discount of EUR100 is offered for the additional sibling’s fees
(2) Three and above, a discount of 50% for the additional sibling’s fee.

(3) Students currently studying at the Institute at either Mainstream or Native
Speaker Classes and wanting to attend the PREP lessons are offered a EUR50
(4) A student doing Maths and Language PREP lessons will be offered a discount of EUR50 on the Language PREP lessons.
(5) Recommendations received from existing Institute parents that enrol at the school (not applicable for students enrolling into STEP1 or NSP) a discount of EUR25 is offered
(6) Recommendations received from an English School Parent, a discount of EUR50 will be offered on the existing yearly fees paid to The English School
(7) Recommendations received from an Alumni Parent/Student (either from the Institute or The English School) will EUR 50 coupon from Soloneon Book Store

NOTE: Parents can take advantage of only one discount offered above and not a combination of two or three. The highest discount is usually applied.
